Starting at $3.00 a serving.
Specialty Cakes and Rolled Fondant may cost extra.
Lop Sided Cake $4.00 a serving.
Haybales - serves20 - $60.00
Free Anniversary Layer
The top layer of your cake is your "anniversary cake" to
save and eat on your one year anniversary. This layer is free along with the plate it sits on (Top Layer = a 6 or 8 inch cake).
To insure your anniversary cake taste great after a year
in the freezer, I provide a box with freezing and thawing instructions.
Sheet Cakes:
9x13 serves 24 - $20.00
11x15 serves 35 - $30.00
12x18 serves 54 - $45.00
9x13 serves 24 - $36.00
11x15 serves 35 - $46.00
12x18 serves 54 - $61.00
Dot On
9x13 serves 24 - $42.00
11x15 serves 35 - $58.00
12x18 serves 54 - $76.00
Cup Cakes
Plain : $12.00 a dozen
Decorated : $18.00 a dozen
Elaborate : $24.00 a dozen
Cake Fountain
The fountain has a $15.00 and $35.00 rental charge.
There is a small delivery-set up fee.
We require a half-down non-refundable
deposit on your cake at the time of ordering, with payment in full two weeks before the wedding day and is, at that point,
I also ask for a refundable deposit
on plates and pillars, which will be held and returned to you when the cake structures are returned.
Top ornament, decorative plastic, ribbons, non-icing flowers,
etc. cost extra.